Leadership Practices

Today, I attended the American Translators Association Q2 Leadership Summit.

Great leaders are constantly looking for ways to improve their own skills and practices, their teams’ skills and practices, and the good they can do together.

speech bubble with quotes, a lightbulb as a puzzle with a woman holding a piece, three persons talking, a red siren light, three persons greeting from a round a globe.

Tidbits to share after through-provoking discussion and self-reflection:

-Listen, paraphrase, and wait for confirmation that you understood.

-Criticize with a purpose and with the willingness to act as part of the solution.

-Create opportunities for personal connections.

-Know that everyone is busy and dealing with their own struggles.

-Turn cultural differences into opportunities to explore innovative solutions.

I want to thank Andy Benzo, Yolanda Secos, and Karen Tkaczyk for a productive meeting!

Happy leading!




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Leadership Practices

Today, I attended the American Translators Association Q2 Leadership Summit. Great leaders are constantly looking for ways to improve their own skills and practices, their

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