Announcing the Plain Language Podcast! Elementary: Let’s Make it Crystal Clear.

Podcast image with headphones over a notepad

Today, we’re thrilled to announce the imminent launch of our new Podcast “Elementary: Let’s Make it Crystal Clear. The Podcast about Plain Language.”

Each episode of Elementary will treat you to an in-depth conversation about an aspect of plain language. We will have guests full of information and ideas who are plain language practitioners, leaders of industry, subject matter experts, writers, translators, editors, and, of course, readers! They will share their passion for communication and bring you tips and ideas to implement in your own communication, whether with peers or the public. because, yes, plain language is a human right and it’s for everyone, including experts, lay readers, and people with disabilities who need accessibility and adaptation of content to access information.

Look for us soon on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts!

Natalia Torro and Romina Marazzato Sparano




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